Friday, June 5, 2009

Hainan, baby!

Thailand 2.5  years ago.

When you’re reading this post I am hopefully peacefully settled at a beach in Hainan. Yep. Left Suzhou last night, jumped on a plane and ended up in Sanya. Me and my friend Willing are spending 4 days here: swimming, tanning, eating ice-cream and reading books. Unless Willing violently forces me, or desperately begs me, I won’t do any kind of sightseeing. I don’t want to. I just want to lay here, feel the sea breeze, go for a swim, sip on a mocktail (that throughout the day most likely will be replaced by a cocktail), go for a beach walk and relax. No Chinese characters. No crazy bosses. No pressure. No computer. No flu (or OK, I still have a flu but I’ll pretend as if I don’t have one). No thoughts about the future. No talk about the future.

Might sound boring to some but after a rather full-on semester, this is just what I need.

Some pre-written posts will appear on the blog while I am gone, so please, do check in. And, if I get a complete blogging-abstinence I’ll check into the nearest Internet cafe (very likely to happen. I have a quite well-known blogging/email-addiction).


Martin said...

I hope you have a blast! Enjoy the beach. We'll all be waiting here when you return from fun and sun.

Pingu said...

a typical teenage boy comment: "I just want to lay her"

Anonymous said...

Hope you will have an enjoyable vacation.....

Anonymous said...

good for you Jonna. Find yourself a hammock and a basket of fresh fruit. Aaaaahhhhh. The good life.

mantse said...

Enjoy and looking forward to your photos back!!!

Pete In Syracuse said...

This sounds absolutely "scandalous" the only thing to make this complete is......CHOCOLATE !!!

"Scandalous" (The Definition) -
A Scandinavian on a beach wearing sandals eatting chocolate !!

;o) lol

冰蓝 said...

Lovely sunshine, lovely smile!

scribbling sassy said...

wow! I soooo envy you right now. Go and be happy,you deserve it!

Chocolatesa said...

Please add an "E" on the "her" in "I just want to lay her" phrase, it's a bit giggle-worthy without it :P Don't know if you're familiar with that particular english expression, anyways...

Carl said...

Way to go, Jonna! Have fun vacationing and relaxing!

tamara said...

Ah, the perfect vacation--I hope it's as relaxing and restorative as it sounds!

Jonna Wibelius said...

Oh you guys... so fast with noticing all my typos!! I must get a better proof-reading eye...

I finally added the 'e' to 'lay here' so u can stop giggling now :)

Anyways, my Hainan holiday has now come to an end but it was lovely! Pictures and stories will be up tomo!