New year, new beginnings…
In 2010 I’m going to:
* Run more (and guess who's got a pair of new Asics to do so?! I officially refer to them as "my new babies"). Speaking of that... does anyone know of a running community that train together regularly in Shanghai?
* (Re) start doing yoga and really try to enjoy it
* Buy less shoes
* (Hopefully) travel more
* Start writing letters instead of emails
* Never complain about the weather (what difference does it make?)
* Start learning Finnish and/or Spanish (I figure I’ll give them both a go and then stick with the simplest one. I’m pretty sure it’ll be Spanish)
* Continue improving my Mandarin
* Continue blogging (yeah, one day went by and I felt that hm… I can’t stop quite yet can I?!)
How about you guys? Got any New Year resolutions that you've already broken?
How about you guys? Got any New Year resolutions that you've already broken?
Herregud, här tänkte jag att det var ett inlägg om det enorma intaget av julmust (must-dos!) under helgen. Ack så fel man kan läsa. :D
Hurray you're going to continue blogging \o/ !!
My resolutions are to improve my Chinese, take the HSK and save some money instead of just spending i t( for China, because it goes an awful long way over there)
Glad to hear you contiune this blog~~~
keep it and happy 2010
Been an avid reader of your blog for a while, so glad that you have decided to carry on blogging and intriging us all with those little anedotes and observations that inform and entertain.
Must be exciting relocating to shanghai. Was there myself last summer (for the eclipse that was not to be.) and the buzz of the city was fab. Go go girl!!
Sounds like a great list. I guess I'd just like to follow through on the many things I have started to work on. Maybe even enjoy them, too.
Plumflower -hehe. Nä det blev minimalt m julmust 2009, har aldrig riktigt fattat grejen m d där... Cola e mkt godare.
Tiger -Wow, you're so ambitious! Well I don't doubt you'll make it.
Mantse -You too!
Simon -Yeah I'm super excited and happy about moving back to Shanghai!
Pilgrimchick- Good luck w your resolutions!
I'm really glad you plan to continue your blog. It's wonderful and you are a really compelling writer. I appreciate how your blog slowly builds characters and frames locations much like a novel. No easy feat. Thank you for writing. Happy New Year!
It's not a resolution but I'm learning Spanish too, using Rosetta Stone. It's WAY more useful than Finnish although of course I know you have a special reason to learn Finnish!
I want to visit south America, as well as Cuba, and I would love to be able to speak a bit of Spanish when I go to make the trip more enjoyable by being able to interact with the locals better.
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