Ha, this is so ironic! For the last week it’s been raining all the time over here and now, just in time for next wknd, it is finally looking up. Now, when I’m about to leave for a 1 week holiday in Sweden (OK I leave on Friday, but it's pretty soon!). Perfect. It better be a sunny Sweden greeting me. They have apparently had The Best Summer Ever in southern Sweden (where I am from) so I hope it stays like that when I arrive.
I’m probably the only one doing a summer vacancy getting a holiday, but I am happy that the company understood that when I am here in Scandinavia, I want to see my family too. So a week in Sweden is coming up. A week full of babies, families, friends, BBQs, swimming, running and relaxing. Ah, can’t wait!
Although I have to say that the (soon!) 3 weeks that I’ve spend in Finland have been pretty good too! Sure, a lot of work but there’s been some playtime too!
'sounds really, really good! Have awesome fun with your family! ^^
You look like you're really having a good time on your summer vacancy / summer vacation. ^_^ Ben & Jerry's is good, but so expensive here...
Makes me daydream about all the luxuries I'm looking forward to getting back to in a few years. ^_^
I feel a real change in the pacce of life between Finland and China just looking at your photos. One place is polluted and hectic. The other seems tranquil in comparison (maybe you just chose all the pics with green trees and grass to fool me :) )
How do you get into all those situations with Chinese men asking you out????
Ben and Jerry's....yummy...
What is the drink in pix 2? Looks delish!
Sassy -thanks! Will do!
Tales -sure am having a good time. Not vacation yet, so far I've only had a couple of wknds off, but soon a week of holiday is about to begin... Yey! Yeah, B&J is really expensive in China too. I bought it there once and was so disappointed as it was all icy and stuff.. Quite pricy over here too but at least not icy. A tub of B&J was something that was on my 'thing to eat in Scandinavia list' when I was getting ready to go 'home' (couldn't finish the tub though, they r huge!)
Adrian -They r not asking me out.. I guess they just think it's funny with a young girl and they get excited and wanna know stuff about how love/relationships/sex work over here. I guess that's the sort of things they cannot as their western biz partner, or who knows?
The pace is different over here indeed, I have to say that I prefer this. It is so quiet and peaceful everywhere... and nobody is honking!
m--e -yeah, gotta looooove Ben and Jerrys.... nam!
Chris -it's a blueberry/raspberry smoothie made with fresh berries... Totally yum! In suzhou, a bag of frozen blueberries is something like 85 yuan. Over here a bag is something like 15 yuan. So guess who is having berries every day a.t.m!!?!
Lovely~~~ when i have been Copenhagen and Reykjavik few weeks before, i feel the weather change so fast from sunny and rain.....
wish you have a nice sunny week in Sweden~~
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