I had the best crayfish party last night: food was amazing, the company was everything you can wish for, the wine was good, we were all having a good time, and it felt so good to just be surrounded by a bunch of great friends. Great spent quality time.
However, life can never be completely sugar sweet, right? And unfortunately there isn’t much mercy for those of us that are natural-born-klutzes. Those of us that just have go and mess things up for ourselves, us constant Bambies on thin ice. I just happen to be one of those. I bump into things that other people gracefully avoid. I not only slip and fall on ice spots, I fall and break my foot in the fall. I walk into poles, stumble on treadmills, get stuck with my t-shirt in stair climber (how!?) and then, yesterday, I took a few steps, and slipped on the wet grass (I was barefoot) and managed to sprain my ankle (and no, it wasn’t a drunk slip. Just an unfortunate one that someone with a little bit of grace probably would have been able to avoid). Ta ta daaaaa! And, she’s done it again!
The great crayfish party went on with me, a foot in bandage, and some serious mind abuse going on in my brain. All in all it was a great party, but today, when I woke up and looked down at my football-sized food, saw the blue sky outside the window and thought about that fact that there won’t be any running for me for a while, I felt like crying.
So instead of enjoying a lap in the forest followed by an afternoon at the beach today, we are heading to the pharmacy to get painkillers and bandages. Funny how things turn out sometimes.
Poor SHE! Hope you get well soon!
PS: I hope your computer can read Chinese characters.
谢谢你阿。。。 我和我的电脑都能看汉字。我不但会看,而且会看懂。 电脑没有那么聪明, 哈哈 :)
It will get worse as you get older. When I was younger, I had great balance and flexibility. Alas, this is no longer the case. The fact that I've messed up my left shoulder three times in the last three years is evidence of this.
oh wow! haha I managed to get myself into that "similar" situation last week, only mine was at our office lobby where 20 plus people where around that I slipped ... TWICE!
I'm very careful and take it easy now. I messed up my left ankle and lost range of motion and flexibility in that joint. So, I have to take extra care when walking around and jogging. I can't bend it from side to side as much, but walking / jogging isn't so bad. Still, every time I trip, it's because of that foot.
Hey, hope you start feeling better.
Ahhh , yes Jonna ... some of us are fortunate enough to be Born with such skill's .
Hope the Wet Grass didn't taste too bad . Haha
Sorry , only trying to put a smile on that painful Face of your's .
I hope the swelling goes down quickly and the pain goes away soon, Jonna! Hopefully you'll be back to running in no time at all. Take care! :D
I hope you feel better! I am the same way, I injure myself often when I play sports which are some of my favorite ways to pass time. Make sure you ice your foot and keep it elevated(put a bunch of pillows underneath your injured foot)!
Kosmo -uhhh that's not very comforting... Oh well,I just have to be more careful...
flowgirl -big time bummer,yes!
Sassy -hehe. Well, I'd rather make a fool of myself 10 times than sprain my ankle. I just hate the slow healing process...
Tales -thanks. I can walk on (not very well but at least I can move) but I just want it to heal a.s.a.p so that I at least can do some powerwalks. I go crazy when I cannot exercise.
Shanghai Mifeng -thanks...it's OK! Not that painful anymore. Now it's just frustrating to have a swollen foot. It slows u down. And I hate being slow!
londoncalling 我也很随便。我的汉子是比较坏的,但我们可以使用汉字, 我必须天天写一些,然后水平的提高慢慢得来。
Carl -I hope you are right. I think this swollen thing will demand some time off though.. darn.
Jess -When I broke my foot I spent 6 weeks keeping it high. I'm sick of that although I know it is the right thing to do. Now I just try to walk on it as much as possible so that it doesn't get too stiff... Not sure if that is the right way but I just don't want to wait for too long until I can at least go for a powerwalk.
Hope you get well soon, and obviously you need rest more.no offence but it's just funny to see the way you use chinese characters, because the first “汉子”means man, it almost sounds like “my man is very bad”. hehe, :P
fei, well yes, like I said. I'm not that good at writing in Chinese, obviously!!!
Sorry Jonna, I didnt mean to offend you, I really like your posts,keep up the good work.
fei -hey, it's OK!!! no offense taken. I know I make a lot of mistakes while writing in Chinese. :)
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