A tip for everyone who wants to have a good time: party with Danes. Seriously, Danish people are crazy-funny-mad. Got to love them for being able to start their own little party no matter where they are.
At yesterday’s wedding (my oldest sis married her beloved Dane Michael) us guests were 50/50 Swedes/Danes (+ some people from Belgium), but it was the Danes that took command from the start. Singing, dancing, having their own little “games” and kinds of fun (such as trashing the groom’s socks? Haha! Apparently that’s a Danish tradition). I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun. It was just the perfect kind of party. Some seriously good speeches, amazing food, a good live band (we all went mad to their version of “I just can’t get enough” by Depeche Mode) and so many people dancing that we could barely fit on the dance floor. What an excellent night, and again, Danish people, WOW! There might not be many of them out there but they sure know how to party.
Oh, and by the way, I almost dressed every single family member in dresses I made for them in Suzhou! A wedding success!
My Congrat's to your Sis and the Groom . Looked like a wonderful and fun Wedding ... as you stated .
Reminds me to tell my fellow Dane , well German living in Denmark( Hajo ) , alway's go with NO sock's to your Wedding . Haha
Thanks for your great Photo's Jonna as alway's .
Congratulations to your beatiful sister and her Danish man. Wonderful pictures. Btw, the Czech people must be similar to the Danes, they can party as hell. Nice post, thank you.
Ahhh it looked like so much fun! Note to self: make friends with lots of Danes and invite them to my wedding ;)
All the dresses are gorgeous!! Your sister looked so beautiful in her dress! This article made me so happy haha :)
Congrats to your sister and her husband!!
It's always nice when things go well at a wedding.
Danes are party animals huh? I'll keep that in mind if I ever run into some. ^_^
Great wedding! Looks a lot more fun than the weddings I went to recently XD Japanese weddings can be really boring!
looks like a great wedding! yes, danes are crazy party animals! my aunt got married to a dane and whenever they visit us in manila (they're in shanghai too!) he drinks like there's no tomorrow! and he doesn't get drunk! he's awesome hahaha
Shanghai Mipeng -thank you! Yeah, Danes are wild. Watch out! :)
Thora -thank you!! Czech as wild as the Danes?! Good to know. Us Swedes sure have something to learn! Hehe!
Josie -It was!! And yes, make friends with some Danes if u get the chance, they are always happy and ready for some fun... the women are as wild as the men! I also really like the dress we eventually chose for her! Thanks for your wishes! :)
Brad -I adore weddings: great people, great food, good music and just great fun. Love dressing up a bit extra and watching the bride and the groom... man, I sound like a hopeless romantic!
Kanmuri -the weddings I've been to in China haven't been able to measure up either.. although I guess it is always a bit special if it is your sister/close friend or just someone u know... anyways, this wedding is going to be hard to "beat" :)
Lianne -thanks, it sure was!
Congratulations, it looks very lovely wedding, u and ur family look Wonderful and the bride realy shining
I loved your tradition for kissing the bride"we don't do that here:("
I wish for you lovely wedding party in the neer future :D
Nice wedding. Jonna I thougt you are getting married. You and your sister look so alike.lol
Anyway congradulations.
Great wedding.
Where did you buy the clothes? Can you recommend good tailor-shops in the Suzhou/Shanghai area, I am interested in buying suits with a decent quality... Thanks!
really enjoy reading this post :D can totally imagine how much fun u had at the wedding. it must be very different from the Chinese-style wedding that u previously attended. which one do u prefer? just curious if u dun mind sharing :D
and u probably heard it a lot but i must say it out loud, what a lovely dress u had!!! u looked fabulous in that little blue cupcake dress! may i ask...how much did it cost?! hehe :P
last but not least, congrats to your sis and brother-in-law!
i worked in a Danish company for few years, i really few they like laugh, play hard and work hard. Enjoy life and everything.
Party time~~~
Fina bilder!
Just so coincidently, I heard another couple married in the church Domkyrkan on Saturday. And they booked the entire 梅江饭店 nearby. I used to work extra time there. The boss's daughter told me it was a very nice evening, lots of people gathered from Stockholm, Göteborg, and other places to join the wedding.
Blank Socrate -yeah it's a funny one right? Looks really funny when u sit down and watch the groom getting up and then suddenly all other men starts running around the table...
Jiang -thanks! No no, I'm far from getting married!
Anonymous -I bought my dress (and all other dresses at the wedding I made for others) at Suzhou's "wedding dress street" near Tiger Hill in SZ. There's a tailor market for suits on Lujiabang Lu in Shanghai. Google tailor market + the street for some more details.
TFHK -thank you! Yeah I loved my cupcake dress even went out to a nightclub afterwards (not recommended though). I overpaid a bit for my dress due to bad haggling skills. I think u can buy similar dresses on the Suzhou wedding street for 200-300 yuan, depending on your haggling skills/ the shop/ if you are a laowai or Chinese.
mantse -yeah they are funny indeed!
Little tiger - :)
马麟 -apparently that was a popular date for getting married, I know another couple who did so in Stockholm. A wedding in Lund's Domkyrka must have been gorgeous!
Nice pictures from your home town.At least I could see some thing different from here. Cool.
Danny -thanks! Plenty of posts + photos from Sweden/Finland in this blog. Browse the summer posts if u wanna see more.
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