I’m from south Sweden, and although it normally gets quite cold here during winters, loads of snow at this time of the year is rather unusual. Since I got home last night it has been snowing non-stop, however (it stared on Tuesday) and there’s now about half a meter of snow in our backyard.
Since I spent 18 winters in Sweden + one year in Finland (the longest winter of my life, seriously, there was still snow in May) and experienced -35°C and heaps of snow, dealing with it is not a problem, however… it is kind of odd still to have so much snow already! Still, it’s “only” -7°C so I should not complain. When I middle landed in Finland last night it was -20°C!
The snow and the cold don’t matter, however. It’s still truly wonderful to be home at this time of the year. With all that snow outside and all the Christmas decoration inside (not to mention the Christmas goodies: gingerbread cookies, St Lucy Buns and chocolate breads) it’s impossible not to feel as excited as a 5-year old about the fact that Christmas is coming.

Since I spent 18 winters in Sweden + one year in Finland (the longest winter of my life, seriously, there was still snow in May) and experienced -35°C and heaps of snow, dealing with it is not a problem, however… it is kind of odd still to have so much snow already! Still, it’s “only” -7°C so I should not complain. When I middle landed in Finland last night it was -20°C!
The snow and the cold don’t matter, however. It’s still truly wonderful to be home at this time of the year. With all that snow outside and all the Christmas decoration inside (not to mention the Christmas goodies: gingerbread cookies, St Lucy Buns and chocolate breads) it’s impossible not to feel as excited as a 5-year old about the fact that Christmas is coming.
However exciting China may be, I would never ever ever leave Sweden, especially this time of the year is so romantic! :D
Jag älskar Sverige! :)~~~
Welcome home, sweetie!
Love it! It just like a whole new world when the white snow wraps everything.
Nice pictures! It nice to have Christmas with snow.
Anna -Thank you!! And yes, you are right! Sweden is 100% lovely at this time of year (as well as in the middle of summer). I'm loving it :)
Anonymous -it sure is! I'm going out to take new photos today. Can't get enough!
Mountaincat -it is nice until Xmas is over, then u just want to get rid of it all... hehe.
Beautiful pictures! We've also been getting crazy amounts of snow here... Maybe it's global?
Hej! Skönt med ett inlägg då vet jag att resan gick bra! Oj vad mycket snö, mysigt med vit jul! Ha det så bra! Kram Cecilia
kanmuri -oh, as much snow in Japan?! It's quite beautiful though..
Cecilia -yeps, hem kom jag o väskan hängde med.. det e sååååå underbart att va hemma! Älskar det! Du kommer förstå vad jag menar så fort du landar. Det blev julkänslor x 1000 på 2 min! ha en bra hemresa! Kram!
Indeed I envy your white XMAS.... here in Portugal we do have cold....4,5,6, until 8ºC, in the Northern yes there is snow and temp under 0ºC. so I look to my imagens of MALASIA, I took two months ago... i dream of the SUNSHINE, hot whether... the beach,the lovely sunsets.....
Helena -merry xmas to u too! Funny, I haven't started dreaming of the sun and the beach yet, I actually enjoy the colder climate for once!
Well it has been 37 - 40 degrees celcius here in Perth, Australia, too hot for the beach even, except for first thing in the morning. I would not mind a bit of snow right now!
Jim -Hah, I'll trade u all that snow if I could only be in Perth...!
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