It's funny during those slow days (that are due to take place), that you sometimes feel that your life is uneventful and boring. Then you look back at what you've been up to during the last year and you realize that, "oh, maybe not that bad after all..." I think it's kind of healthy to look back at what you've done instead of constantly thinking about what you want to do/want to have, in order to appreciate life. And looking back at 2009 I have to say it's been a quite exciting year. However, 2010 is obviously going to be even MORE exciting (right?!).
I would like to ask you people who are reading this blog what your favorite 2009 moment in this blog has been? (good to know so that I know what you enjoy reading about)
January: The new year begins with a crazy Russian song contest at 1221 in Shanghai
February: Taking on a cold Suzhou by bike
March: Changsha wknd
...that included visiting Rocky's family on the Hunan's countryside
April: My Sister and Michael visit Shanghai
April: Doing a wedding shoot with my sister and her hubby-to-be.
May: I consider to dye my hair brown in order to fit in better
....but reconsider after seeing what a terrible brunette I would make
June: Hainan, baby!
June: Shanghai heats up and men start to roll up their shirts
June: I appear on a local TV show
June: Finishing Mandarin Level 5 at Suzhou University
June/July: Working in Finland all summer
July: squeezing in a quick visit to Sweden to attend the baptizing of my sister's baby boy Sam
August: One-week holiday in Finland (here: gorgeous summer city Savonlinna)
Summer cottage, Hankasalmi, Finland
August: Travelling in Yunnan with mom
Trekking the Tiger Leaping Gorge
...and being amazed by its beauty
September: I start my last semester of Chinese language studies at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
October National Holiday: Hello, Malaysia!
October: Quick home visit to attend my sister's wedding
November: (Too much) wining and dining in Shanghai
December: Nanjing wknd

What a great idea!! I will try that for my blog, too! :D
Most of your topics are really interesting. I haven't read about the russian song contest, will do that soon. Your last post about Nanjing made me wanna go there! Most of all I enjoyed your posts about Finland, expecially beautifull pictures =)
I love all of your posts you tend to do a good variety of all sorts of things but, your interaction with people always seems to tickle my funny bone & fascinate me. I love the photos too!
I believe u r so energetic person I wish I could do such crazy and lovely stuff, you inspired me to have a differant year in 2010 :)
I know my blog in arabic but I will post special posts in English for U sure I will notify u
happy 2010 in advance
i am looking forward to a more exciting 2010 from you~~ what a great things you did...
i should did the same as you later.... hope i can....
kanmuri -awesome, can't wait to see it!
Tarja -you should go, I think u would like it. A lot greener than Shanghai.
Pete -yeah, lately variety hasn't been so good. Oh well, glad u like the photos!
Blank-Socrate -glad to hear that! Well 2010 is going to be a much more exciting year for me that's something I have decided already!
mantse -let's see what 2010 bring. A good job for me is my biggest wish! How about u?
I would say that appearing on local TV was the best post. Its kind a small dream for every foreigner living abroad.
Then "with a crazy Russian song contest at 1221 in Shanghai" was also good. It good to read fun stuff.
Wow, you have been busy but fascinating to follow all the activities!
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