Spent a few hours at Suzhou museum this morning. Not bad! Actually above my expectations. Suzhou museum was designed by Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei, and I have to say it sported a truly fresh and modern interior. It is a museum of ancient Chinese art, ancient Chinese paintings, calligraphies, and hand-made crafts as well as some modern art. I personally enjoyed the art the most, which made me think that next time I go to Shanghai I have to go and visit the art district again, I haven’t been there since 2006.
Anyways, here’s a sneak peek from the museum:
This reminds me of an exhibit I saw in the Museum of Natural History in NYC a few years ago. I like going to a big museum and (depending on the size) spend a day or an afternoon looking at the exhibits. Hm. I wouldn't mind seeing the Guggenheim again as well.
Regardless, glad to hear you're having fun and getting to see something new!
you are a great writer! What a hoot.
Love your taxi conversation about skipping lunch. I once suggested to my collegues in a factory in Guang Zhou that we work through lunch so we could catch an earlier ferry to Hong Kong. SHOCK HORROR....NO WAY. ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!
Just one clarification here: the architect of the museum is Chinese architect Qi Kang. One of the Suzhou Garden was the American Chinese architect IM Pei's family home
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