Yes, the Old town of Shanghai is a total tourist trap, however, I still find it kind of cozy, with yummy xiaolongbaos (a type of baozi with soup inside), not to mention the fact that it's a good place for people watching and photo snapping. (Note, all these photos weren't taken on the same day -as you might notice there's a bit of different season going on).
Beautiful pictures, it makes me want to visit China right this second!
hey, what are those "little people" in the last picture? is it something edible?
i enjoyed today's post, thank you. :-)
What a beautiful place. That looks like one tourist trap I wouldn't mind going to.
Wow, I don't mind if it's a tourist trap, it's just beautiful. And as long as you don't buy anything, taking pictures is always free :)
Your blog is a real treat!. here is a link to some interesting pictures re: Year of the Ox from a another site I enjoy.
armchair expat.
What an awesome place, the school of fish look so cool in the first picture.
所有照片都很有中国风(style of china).
I like how little kids in China are wrapped up in red coats, wearing the symbolic colour of good luck. It adds to their adorable cuteness [also triggers memories of my long lost childhood!]
You have taken some absoloutely stunning pictures. Id love to visit china some day. one of my s in life is to learn japanese and then hopefully live there. and work in a japanese maid cafe lol..random i know. I find the japanese and chinese culture and history fascinating, and so in mysterious. China looks like one mystery of the orient i must explore.
Thanks for posting the pictures. It made me remember I went there a few years ago.
no trap ,this is china.
I loved Old Town. But agree with your comments re the tea house... there are much better ones elsewhere :)
And it's a fantastic place to get lost in too...or perhaps that's just me.
I was here a couple of days ago, and I feel like description "tourist trap" is not far off. Do you recommend any places in the Shanghai area that worth seeing, but not so packed/ridiculous?
i love those small porcelain doll who can pee if you fill them with water :-)
btw jonna, put up some pics with you and friends. get personal! :)
Shopgirl -sorry, I don't do those sort of blog posts.. my personal life is my personal life :) I prefer to keep it that way.
boston blond -I like to walk around in the French concession, then up towards Jing'an and get lost on small roads..
I've been a few places where I was asked to pay after taking a picture. Of course I told them to get real and kept walking, but they weren't happy about it.
Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into China from a very different perspective. I love your pictures.
Are those little people in the last picture CHOCOLATE?
Thank-you. We lived in Shanghai a few years ago, and this was a bit of walk down memory lane. We lived there with our 3 children then ages 4,2,9months. My children are blonde, so you can imagine the attention we attracted. We made the mistake of stopping to eat, and suddenly I was surrounded by a LARGE crowd all videoing and take shots of me and my kids eating. We quickly escaped into the paid garden(well worth the money). Not one of my best moments with cultural differences of boundaries. But I did love it there.
Love your blog.
@Koop Tribe,
The idea of a paid garden was something I'd never heard of until recently. A friend said they have them in UAE too. I've never been to a park in the US that was paid...
A lot of you have been asking about the 'little people' in the last pic... If I remember things correctly they are not edible... I think they are made of clay or porcelain?
Personally I don't fancy diving into the huge crowd of YuYuan,only because there are too many people there.But I love your pictures,they are wonderful,I see beauty in them!serious:)Some of the "little people"looks like"蜡笔小新"--a naughty boy character in a Japanese cartoon...
china is one of most beautiful place, i always dreams to go there
Jonna, not edible? . . . *sheeesh* and here i was fantasizing about chocolate people. :-0
they ARE cute, though. :-)
thanks for the response.
the little people are crayon shin! I used to watch that all the time when i was a kid =]
I have one of those "little people" things in that last picture! Definitely NOT chocolate.... They're clay/terracotta, and you're supposed to drop them into your pot of tea. When you take them out, they "pee" out of a tiny hole in you-know-where.... My brother brought one back from his trip to China -- just the sort of thing he would find fascinating. :-)
cute it's crayon chin chan
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