One of the things that I probably miss the most about China is the food. Not only is it tasty and spicy (at least when I am in charge of the ordering), but also, it’s cheap! I’ve tried to minimize my ‘eating out’ experiences over here, simply because it’s too expensive, and after all.. food is food. You can cook great things in your kitchen so why go out and pay loads to have someone else do it for you? (well, that can be nice too but when it costs like over here –a simple thai dish is something like 200 yuan at a proper restaurant, and a starter like tom yum soup goes for 100 yuan- it feels a bit overwhelming…. Or, maybe it’s just me who’s become food-stingy?!). I have to say that both friends and family have reacted about how much importance I put on food. I was the girl who used to skip lunch and munch on an apple if I felt like it. Nowadays, that lunch hour is holy.
To my great surprise more than one friend over here have been completely into the whole ‘let’s order a bunch of dishes and share.’ Me like! Sure, we cannot order as freely as I am used to doing in China, but, it’s nice that people are more open to the whole ‘eating together and sharing your food’ than before. When I came home from China 2 years ago and suggested the same thing I was met with suspicion. Still… cannot help missing Chinese food. Yuuuuum. Oh well, some salmon salads will have to do until then.