Monday, May 25, 2009

Photo special: Eat this

Running short on time this morning, so I figured I’d start this week with a tempting food photo special… starting with the deserts and snacks of course, just like you should (ehhhh)….

I slept so badly last night, my alarm was set on 5am in order to have time for a morning run/walk, but when it rang I simply couldn’t get myself out of bed. Oh well, there’s a new morning tomorrow, I’ll give it another try then.


Martin said...

Thanks a lot! (Sarcasm) Now I am hungry!!!

And don't feel bad about not being able to get up to run. I have been suffering from the same problem for the last 37 years. (Would be 38 years, except I did not know how to walk for the first year of my life)

Brad Farless said...

That stuff looks delicious. ^_^

******************** Shanghai MiFeng said...

Jonna , there is enough Food for all your Follower's . That looks all soooo good . Can't wait for July / August to eat some real chinese Foods again .

Ringggg ... ringggg it's 05:00
no more exuses ... OUT !!!

Carl said...

Wow! Quite the spread of food you had, Jonna! Looked like enough there to eat for a week or longer! I normally am not a fan of green beans (usually boiled), but those look good enough that I want to try them! Hope you enjoyed the food... it all looks delicious!

CJ said...

Oooh!! Yummy!really tempting!

Shopgirls Shanghai said...

ARGH!!!! Don't do this :(

2 weeks left...argh argh can't wait

Kikit said...

I love Chinese food. The pics made me starve. :)

Tram Almasi said...

Oops! Bon apetite!mouth watering dishes.

scribbling sassy said...


Little Tiger said...

I could eat a horse after seeing those!

Jonna Wibelius said...

hahahha, I'm glad I made some of you hungry! :)

And Shopgirl.... soon.... Soon!!

Anonymous said...

What? No sugary glazed sweet potato's? Funny how everyone dives into those when they're served or it's like digging up concrete once it cools. hehe.

Now i feel like making dumplings for breakfast.

mtl said...

omg, is that mango shaved ice? drooool

Pete In Syracuse said...

That looks so good Now I know why your worried about you weight. If I had all that food in front of me I'd be doing the breast stroke through it !!! Yeah Ha !!

Anonymous said...

No dog meat?Damn it.
I thought westerner would like to try dog meat in China,and then took some pictures posted on their blog...with comment: Chinese are so fucking brutal.