Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The (temporary) end

I've decided to give blogging a break for a while. It was fun while it lasted (especially between 2008 and the beginning of this year), but lately I've felt my blog posts have lacked in terms of quality and content, much because of my limited amount of free time these days. So, I've decided to give it a rest for now. Who knows, maybe one day I can find my way back to writing inspiring new blog posts. Until then, enjoy the archives! I bet there's enough to publish a book one day, which has always been my long term dream and goal.

Wish you all the best! 再见!


조안나 said...

Nooo! I love your blog! If you have time and do some interesting things, please keep us updated! In the meantime, keep enjoying China!

flyingfish said...

We're all going to miss you, Jonna!

You definitely have enough for a book.

In the meantime, enjoy your sabbatical!

Patrick said...

That's too bad :-( Really enjoy your postings. Hope you will miss blogging so much that you will be back soon :-))
Take care!

Christopher said...

What a shame Jonna! It's been a joy to read your blog posts again since I got back to the UK. Thanks for sharing so much and I hope you'll be back to blogging soon. I'll keep an eye out!

Take care,

Saif said...

We're gonna start a petition against this.
I've been a silent follower for a long time now.
We will not stand for this :-)

alex said...

Have you tried twittering instead? <10 word tweets are all the rage these days I hear :P

When are you going back home?

Edward said...

That's sad to hear, Jonna! I have enjoyed your blog very much over the years and I appreciated its fresh, lighthearted view on China. Hope to see you back in the future!

All the best,


WarPony said...

Thank you so much for all of the lovely posts! Enjoy your time away, and I will hope to see new posts from you some day! If not, well... thank you. It's been delightful.

Jewels said...

Thanks for all your hard work! We've enjoyed reading.

thora said...

How sad! I will truly miss your blog because I loved reading about your life and experiences in China. All the best wishes to you and be happy.

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Have fun in China and leave a note here once in a while! :)

Brad Farless said...

I had a good time reading your blog posts.

Good luck with all of your future endeavors, and thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.

Martin said...

Sorry to see you slowing down on your blog. I actually disagree with what you say...I find your posts are always of excellent quality! I know it does take time, and effort to come up with new material as often as you do, so I can understand why you would want to take a break...but it doesn't mean I have to like it!

Anonymous said...

Hope to see you back one day with stories of new adventures and observations to share with us again!

Take care!

Jennifer said...

Hello, I'm not sure if I've ever commented on your blog, but I thought that I should take this (possibly last) opportunity to do so! I've really enjoyed your blog, despite disgustedly thinking it was about SHE the band when I first came across it! It has made me laugh and was wonderful when I was considering taking a year out to live in China and brush up on my Mandarin - in the end, I've stayed in London but ahh your blog made it seem so amazing. Plus, your summer posts fed my scandi obsession haha.

Right, I hope you continue enjoying living in China and having great experiences; hopefully we will see the return of your blog posts!

Ramesh said...

Hey Joanna - this is a bolt from the blue. I've been following your blog for more than a year now and its been a treasure trove of fun, and a great look on life in China. I hope you regain your mojo and come back , but until then you'll be sorely missed.

Wish you a wonderful time in China and much success and happiness.

Ikabod Grinwud said...

You've earned it....Mabuhay!!!

Peter said...

Hope to see you back soon. I too had a long pause and have started blogging again recently.

I think the key is not pressure oneself to post stuff constantly and remember that you don't write for an audience, but for yourself. So just write when you feel like it. Helped me a lot so far.

Hope to see you back in the future. Your posts are usually very interesting and well-written.

mantse said...

Good luck my friend and wish to see you in this blog again~~~

your muse is coming back soon~~

TG said...

You were always in my reader, I will miss you. Hope you come back one day. But taking a rest is always good.

Good luck to you in Shanghai and all your future endeavors :)


Kate said...

Jonna, I will miss your light-hearted commentary. I encourage you to keep writing... for yourself! Someday (in 20 years) you will be SO glad you did! So will your future children (should you be so blessed). You are, of course, always welcome to stop by and visit my blog anytime!

Jonna Wibelius said...

Thank you guys for all of your comments! It's really nice to read that there are so many people that will miss this blog. I think I will miss it too, in a way I already do. But I don't miss the blog that I've been keeping for the last 6 months, I miss the blog I had before that.

FYI, I'm not leaving China. I'll be here for another 2-3 years, at least! I was thinking it would be nice to give myself a break this summer, and then when fall comes maybe I've found my "mojo" again. Let's see. Anyway, thanks again for all the wishes and goodbyes. You guys (and your lively comments!) is what used to make this blog good! So thanks for that!

Little Tiger said...

Thank you for all the wonderful posts Jonna! You're such a talented writer and story-teller. A big kiss! 8)

Anonymous said...

Hope you will be back soon!

sometime in the future, when you look back, you are going to miss those blogging days rather than those days that you are extremely busy so that no time for blogging.

Jane said...

I will miss your blog,I just found it recently,eee,,anyway,hope you will back soon^^
Take Care!

taurie said...

I hope to see you back again soon! I have been following your blog for a couple of years and I've always enjoyed your wonderful and interesting posts.

Best wishes and thank you for your nice blog. Hasta pronto! 再见!

Marcus said...

Har följt din blogg under en längre period, givetvis synd att du tar en paus eller slutar helt.
Härligt att man har fått komma in i din värld, följa dina äventyr och kulturkrockar som har uppkommit.

Tack för en väldigt bra blogg!

Fortsätt med ditt äventyr i Kina! :)

Anna Davidson said...

Jonna, how am I going to get my China fix now that you are stopping blogging?! All the best with everything - keep enjoying China!

Shanghaishopgirl said...

oh no!!!

Anonymous said...

Jonna, enjoy the break or the retirement from blogging, whatever the case. You've given so much and if you ever feel the urge to start up again, the internet will still be here.

It was about two years ago that I found myself on a treadmill at the gym listening to some podcasts on China that were made by an older married couple who had lived in Jinan back in the 90's. The guest that day was a young swede who was the most energetic and talkative guest I had heard on their podcasts. SHE mentioned her blog and I knew I just had to follow.

You've been a prolific and entertaining blogger. In my opinion, one of the best. Thanks for letting us into your life. And please, push this aside, take a break, and enjoy it!!!

pilgrimchick said...

Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this blog. Your posts were fascinating, and your overall topic is one of the most unique I've seen out there. I hope you wander back this way again soon, but if not, good luck, and I hope you publish that book--I'll be on the lookout.

Fortune Cookie said...

Too bad Jonna. You should tell your readers if they want more China that they can read my blog ;) Just kidding. See you around!

Bernie said...

You'll be missed. Enjoyed your blog a great deal. Come back one day!

Jonna Wibelius said...

Thanks u all -I've already started to think that I made a mistake. I miss blogging! ha! So much has already happened that I'd like to share. Oh well, cannot both have the cookie and eat it at once. I have some 3 weeks left at work then I'll go for a much needed summer holiday. I'll be back in the middle of August, and if I still feel that same way then I'll probably start blogging again.

Anonymous said...

i have really enjoyed reading your blog and i hope you do carry on again in the future! till then :)

Martin said...

If you are having second thoughts, what are you waiting for??? I just sit here day in and day out staring at a blank screen, because now I have nowhere to go on the internet. hahaha

I hope you do come back. Your blogs have always been a highlight when I am online.

Luke said...

I have been following your blog for the better part of a year now and you have inspired me to continue writing my own.
I think it goes without saying that you will be missed! Hopefully you'll return someday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonna,

I too have enjoyed how your blog. I've never had the gift of being able to turn a really shitty day into an interesting and humourous literature the way you do.

Please take care.


******************** Shanghai MiFeng said...

Jonna , you know I'm kind of going through the same period of not finding the energy/mindset as of late for my Blog/Forum/Facebook you name it , it's almost like somebody turned off a switch . We all need a break from even the fun things we do and it is normal for that to happen . Anyway , hope to see you back though and August is fine with me . Thanks for all the interesting subject's , I had the pleasure to injoy so far .

Kelly said...


Just wanted to say that while I lived in China for a year your blog helped me. It made me laugh and sigh and really helped me have a more clear perspective on what I was seeing there. So, I hope you (eventually) keep blogging because I am sure that there are other people who feel the same. If you don't, thanks you for everything. All the best.

Regan said...

Oh I am so sad! Though I bet it's something lifted from you, I am going to miss your blog terribly! I live in Arizona, USA, and have recommended you blog a lot. I will most definitely read the archives alllllll the time!

Unknown said...

Hi Jonna,

I've enjoyed your blog over the years. Funny, informative and a real insight into China and your life!!!

I shall miss it!!

Enjoy your summer break and chat to ya soon.
