Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Off to 西安 (Xi'an)

Woho, finally time to do some travelling in China again, it's been a while! This time, I'm taking my folks to Xi'an to check out the city wall, the great mosque and, of course, the Terracotta army. We'll also make sure to celebrate dad's birthday tomorrow -probably a quite original birthday for him! I'll make sure to share some photos and stories when I get back -until then: Happy Easter!


조안나 said...

Can't wait to see photos! I really want to go to Xi'an!

flyingfish said...

Happy birthday, Jonna's Dad! You certainly raised a seriously fantastic daughter!

My dad celebrated his 71st last year with my mom and me at Mutianyu. It was great!

Have fun --

Anonymous said...

How exciting! =o)

CCs said...

I have been flicking through our blog a bit. I'm doing my undergrad in oz and was thinking about studying Chinese in china afterward as well. I'm interested in how much it cost you to study at the university in Suzhou inc. living costs for those first few years? or did you have a scholarship? Is there a way to do it on a budget?

Jonna Wibelius said...

Thanks for all the greetings, I will blog about our trip tomorrow! :)

CC -that's a big question. The semester fee was quite cheap, around 8000 rmb including books, maybe another few hundreds for visa. I did not have a scholarship, I saved up money and paid for everything myself. Also did some small jobs on the side of studying in order to support myself. As for accommodation, it's quite cheap to live here if you're not too fussed about living standard/can consider sharing a flat with some other people. Good luck!

Etan said...

I wish that I could travel with my parent sometime. Love your blog, have fun at Xian!

Jonna Wibelius said...

Etan -you should, it's a lot of fun... and quite interesting. One of the best trips I have ever done is the Tiger Leaping Gorge trek in Yunnan with my mom back in 2009 (you can find it in the archives of this blog).

CCs said...

thanks for reply Jonna. Have you read "Shantaram" before? It's about a westerner living in India, his writing style is similar to yours. you should write a book!

Jonna Wibelius said...

Cc- never heard f it before but will def check it out, cheers for sharing! U know, writing a book has been my dream for as long as I can remember, I even "announced it" to my folks over dinner when I was 10! Maybe I should try but the fear for failure is a big obstacle.. Thanks for the comment though.