Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The week that went by
When time flies it's easy to forget how great things actually are... I thought I'd do myself a favor and look back at the week I just spent in Sweden (starts from the bottom, so you need to scroll down and start from there). Sure, it became a bit hysterical when it came to making time to see everybody and so on, but all in all, I had a fantastic time, all thanks to my family and friends! Until next time!
Sunday afternoon: Hello (again) Finland!
Sunday: bye bye from the train station before I catch the train to Copenhagen airport
Saturday: Not feeling too flash. Treat time again.
Mia's cute dog Sam (everybody's called Sam nowadays!?)
Getting messy
Friday (night) Girl's night at my friend's Mia's place
(later) Friday: enjoying Malmö's old town
Friday: Eh... eating again?! This time picnic in the park with my oldest childhood friend
Thursday (night): Catching up with my other sister Nella
Thursday (day): It's all about food. Enjoying yet another lunch with my parents
Again, Wednesday: Dad acting Chinese man and carrying all of our shopping bags (however, he refused our handbags)
(still) Wednesday: being treated a lunch by my awesome folks
Wednesday: Shopping and eating in Ystad, a cute beach/fisherman village in Skåne, Sweden
Tuesday: Catching up with my friend Mari
Monday: Family time with my sister Charlotte and baby Sam
Sunday: Well deserved hangover. Not as well deserved Sunday treat. But oh so good.
(still) Saturday night (and it's bright as a day outside!): Singing for the most recent bday girl
Saturday (night): Catching up with my fave girls
Saturday (day): My sister's baby's Sam's day. Literally! Baptizing.

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The food (and friends and family) look awesome, Jonna. Did you manage to get any running in to help balance all the delicious food? Great photos! Thanks for sharing. :D
Lovely photos! The pictures of the towns are so picturesque. I see you've been teaching your family and friends some Chinese ways (sharing food at restaurants, carrying the ladies' bags). Did you show them how to ganbei?
Jonna, what's the treat in the third photo? Has my mouth watering.
Hej Jonna. Vill bara presentera mig. Jag är en utlandssvenska som bor i USA numer och öljer din blogg slaviskt. Tycker du skriver så ofantligt bra om ditt liv i Kina. är väldigt sugen på att besöka det stora landet i öst en vacker dag. Keep up the Good Work! /Stina
Carl -hehe, you'd think so but not really... :( I got a soar throat so I only did 2 runs during my week in Sweden, the rest of the days I did 5-7 km walks.
Little Tiger -yeah those towns are gorgeous, especially during summer and winter (when it has snowed). No, I didn't teach them how to ganbei, don't have to... give them some crayfishes, some hats and schnapps (not the sweet kind!) and they'll show you how it is done the Swedish way ;)
Tales -that's actually a treat I had at a TGIF-resto... oreo cookies/ice cream dream treat.. or something like that. huge calorie bomb.
Stina -hej! Oj, wow, så kul att höra att man har en läsare som slaviskt följer ens blogg??! :) Det är över min förväntan redan. Vad kul att du presenterade dig, ska genast kika på din blogg. Alltid kul med andra utlandssvenskar, vi har nog en hel del tankar/upplevelser gemensamt.
Thr last time I ate ay a TGIF was actually in Manila. The prices were ridiculously high. TGIF isn't even that fantastic a restaurant but in Manila it's all imported and seen as a classy hip place to eat.
Tales -it's the same in Suzhou actually. To tell u the truth that treat looks better than it tasted.
Ah now that's a shame. I miss having good, Western desserts. I have a craving for a McDonald's burger as we speak, but I don't think that's going to happen at 1am. Too lazy to go out at this time of the night.
Tales -you'll probably be happy about that tomorrow morning ;)
No kidding. All I need is a lard... I mean hamburger ... sitting on my stomach overnight while I sleep. ^_^
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