We had dinner at some friend's place and then walked through Suzhou's SIP district around midnight and W O W ! I am speechless!? For a while I thought a building was coming down or something, the sound from all the fireworks was so loud that we weren't able to speak to each other, not even scream to each other. If there is one thing Chinese people love and splurge on during CNY times, it is definitely fireworks.
Oh, something not so cool: people setting off fire crackers on their balconies?! Like, seriously, wtf?! That's just plain stupidity! And come on, it's not THAT hard to take the elevator down to the yard.
Although all in all, quite magnificent night in Suzhou. (even though my heart goes out to all the poor animals).
Happy 'Niu' Year!
The last time I was in China, I was living opposite the fire station, so it was extra noisy with the sirens on top of the fireworks :)
That was only in the North though, it seems they go all out with the fireworks in the South.
Am I getting the sofa of the first post of Niu year?
Whatever, 祝友娜新的一年里身体健康,心想事成,牛年大吉,中文学到牛哄哄哄哄!
To everyone here, 新的1年开始,祝好事接2连3,心情4季如春,生活5颜6色,7彩缤纷,偶尔8点小财,烦恼抛到9霄云外!牛年10全10美! Happy Niu year!
Almost forget this, I hope/wish everyone has a safe Niu year!
Happy New Year to all you in China! Here in America, properity is not what we expect in 2009 or the next 4 years. Obama wants socialism as China on the other hand gets away from socialism. May you all live in an interesting time! :)
I miss the smell of fresh fire crackers and fire works...
Thanks Little tiger... and yeah, they really did go all out here in Suzhou. Barely managed to get any sleep at all, despite using earplugs...
斌 -you were ALMOST the first one... Happy niu year indeed!
Anonymous -Well let's hope the year of the 'niu' is better than the year of the rat...
Miss Jane -I thought u were in China too?! Well we were just saying yesterday that celebrating NY in Europe will never be the same after those NY celebrations we have experienced here in China. Gets bigger and better (?) every year.
Last night was amazing! So many fireworks! There's no way we could get away with that in the US.
Happy New Year to you too! What a fantastic photo! The people I was celebrating with had two beautiful cats who handled the noise surpisingly well. I found one of them huddled under a desk at one point, but when I picked her up and comforted her she seemed ready to accept my assurance that it would all be just fine.
Oh, and to all you other Oxen out there, get your lucky red amulets ready, 'cause this is going to be a banner year!
My spirit and hunger is always in China! I don't think i can change that! Actually, I am going to be China for 元宵. Hopefully there will be plenty of fireworks and fire crackers still! :D
Chun jie kuai le!
"Obama wants socialism as China on the other hand gets away from socialism. May you all live in an interesting time! :)"
There are some funny comments here!
hahaha, welcome to socialism, comrade!
just kidding.
Nice blog(as in really nice)
Good luck in the year of the Ox.
The Traveller
nice blog about the China! I love differents countrys
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