We are having two visitors from Finland this week (two lovely guys in their late 20-ies) turning our every-day Suzhou life into a quite interesting experience. I wouldn’t say that these 2 guys are male models in any way, although I guess they look quite OK, take care of themselves and their bodies, and pay attention to what their wearing. And what does having guys like this around you result in at a place like Suzhou? Yup. Chaos.
The hysteria started when I took them for lunch on Monday. There were at least 6 waiters around our table when they took our order (normally there are 2). One girl holding the menu, one taking notes, one pouring tea, one putting out napkins, and 2 extras just giggling and running around.
Before we had finished our meal the following things had happened:
• One girl almost started crying because she thought the guys were so handsome.
• One guy came up and wanted to know where they had bought their clothes because they looked ‘so good!!’ (we had to write down the brands on a piece of paper).
I then sent the guys to Suzhou’s shopping street meanwhile I went home to study. They came home later the same day with heads so big they were about to explode, telling me about how they’d been surrounded by girls who wanted to take their picture, gotten handwritten love notes and created hysteria in every shop where they walked in.
I couldn’t help but thinking that it is so funny how things is over here… Western guys in China are treated like kings. Sure, when I visited Changsha recently with my Scandinavian girlfriends we got a lot of attention, but it was more like ‘monkey attention’ (at least we didn’t experience any Chinese guys going hysterical when they saw us… and no love notes were passed around).
Then there’s the whole thing with shopping… A ‘fat’ male laowai in China is something you can laugh/joke about and he’s still kind of wanted, meanwhile I’ve received the most obscure comments about my weight (I think the most memorable one is: ‘well no you are not extremely fat. You just have VERY VERY VEEEEERY big bones and quite little meat!’) not to mention the fact that every time I go shopping here and pick out a sweater in the size ‘medium’ the shop assistants often try to get me to swap it to a ‘large’ or even ‘extra large' and keep shaking their heads when I insist on trying on the medium one (even though I am definitely not a 'large' woman... I would describe myself as quite 'normal' in terms of weight. Just because I am tall and possess big feet, that doesn't mean I have a lot of access weight) I have talked to many laowai ladies (western women) living in China that have had similar experiences. So meanwhile the men get a total confidence booster from shopping I often experience it as a complete confidence killer.
Often when I try to discuss this ‘different treatment’ with western men here in China I get comments like:
-Ah, you are just jealous!!!
-well, just deal with it. We are hotter than you!
So obviously I’ve given up. My point is actually not to make any point, but more like to laugh about a situation that –if you look at it from the outside- it is kind of obscure!
So obviously I’ve given up. My point is actually not to make any point, but more like to laugh about a situation that –if you look at it from the outside- it is kind of obscure!
I've never expereienced my self but a friend of mine, who wasn't that big, went to a store with a skinnier friend. The Japanese clerk came up to them, helped the skinner girl and told my friend: I'm sorry, we don't have anything that will fit you in our store."
The men gaijin (laowai) are always admired here, even if they look like they could NEVER even get laid back home. I don't know what they make to the Japanese women's brain.
I was in Korea shopping with a friend of my sister and I was trying pants on that were a bit tight. My sister's friend told me my tighs were really big. Then she tried to make it sound like compliment by telling me that she was going to the gym to get bigger thighs...
Ha Ha ! At least something is going for the men !! Must be the only place in the world where a man makes heads turn. Thank you all you wonderful Chinese girls .....
I found the same thing when I went to school in Mexico. All the attention I was getting was borderline harassment, while the young guys who came down with me were loving every second of it.
I would try and talk to them about it and they'd just tell me to "enjoy it", because they certainly were.
That's funny, because in the united states no one's clamoring around chinese people. It's definitely a one way thing.
Hehe, I visited China with my white friends last summer and I know the experience. I was kind of surprised how much attention my friends got in China since in Canada... Well, you know ;0.
Anyways, I think it is because Chinese REALLY cannot tell the difference between white people and cannot judge the difference between "hot" and "ok" or "ugly". Judging from my own experience it was quite similar. I moved from China to the US, then Canada when I was 9. When I first came to the US, I was not really into western girls because they looked "different". However, as I lived here longer, I got use to their looks and now I am only attracted to western girls. Also I can tell the difference (wierd stuff).
As for the men looking better than the women, I really doubt that...
Don't worry about it. I can assure you it definitely wears off as the 老外的男人get older. However, now that you mention it, I got told I looked like Bruce Willis, but the only thing we have in common is lack of hair on the top of our heads. I didn't see a photo of the guys, but if they were tall, fair, and they avoided wearing checks and plaids together that might be enough to turn young female heads, and send the guys scurrying for the better department stores.
Hahahaha, this post really cracks me up!
Chinese people are not shy about telling each other they are fat. Or worse. In bringing up their observations they state a fact, without associating any negative meaning to this fact. You know you're being treated equally when Chinese around you tell you these blunt, to me, observations. Sure it stings, but on the bright side it shows you are accepted more as Chinese rather than foreign. Equal treatment for equal people.
Your two friends are a novelty and remain on a pedestal, forever separate from Chinese culture, looked upon as a child's new dolly.
Does this make you feel any better?
Yeah, but Jonna, does anyone ever offer you a seat on the bus, assuming you are pregnant? That happened to me twice last month. (OK, I am definitely a LITTLE bit fat, but not THAT fat!) At first I thought these guys were insane. Then I took a look in the mirror. They were right. Because my overcoat is a very wide, loose-fitting pea-coat, it does look a bit like a maternity outfit! I almost died laughing when I looked at myself through their eyes.
Odd, I had the reverse of that experience backpacking round Europe, as an Asian female. I felt like a celebrity, the men would not leave me alone, and teenagers wanted to take their pictures with me. Strangers offered me food and presents. And I am NO MODEL, hahaha! I guess it's just what is unusual?
Ha, I can relate to this! I'm seriously glad that I don't have body image issues, because I can imagine that if you do and are a western woman it could push you over the edge. My worst experience (and bear in mind I'm a UK size 8/10, or Euro size 36-38) was shopping for jeans. The shop assistant just snatched them out of my hand, poked me in the stomach and laughed!
How original, another chubby white woman in Asia whining like a spoilt brat that she doesn't get the attention she deserves from men.
THis is hilarious
What? No pictures?
Yes...show us the photos of these 2 goodlooking men...Let us be the judge...(lols)
kanmuri -same here. Looks certainly don't matter (for western men) in China!
Ramesh -I think it's the same in a lot of Asian countries for western men? No?
Anonymous 1 -yeah I also get the feeling that they cannot tell the difference between laowais. Especially the other day in class when our teacher mixed me up with a short, American girl that has got curly, dark hair...
Joe -wears off as the male laowais gets older?!?! Really? When my dad (60+) came to China to visit me he had Chinese girls running after him wanting to take his picture... I don't think age matters here.
Don Tai -I have gotten used to being called 'fat' 'giant' and all that... this post is not about that, because I know that it is something that Chinese people throw out every here and there.. I just find it so funny that a laowai girl is almost always considered fat meanwhile a laowai man is considered handsome... regardless of their weight!
flyingfish -ah, that is quite funny but yeah, like u said. It was your coat! I once wore a A-line dress at a restaurant in Beijing, and when we ordered a beer I was told by the waiter that it wasn't appropriate for me to have a beer since I was preggers... Do I need to mention that I never wore that dress again?!
J -I never had body image issues until I moved to China, everyone called me fat and I became a bit thoughtful. Even though I am over it now, it sometimes makes me wonder...
Anonymous 2 -wow, that's the first time ever a blog reader (who has never even met me) calls me 'a chubby white woman crying out for male attention'. Cheers for that one. Not quite sure how I managed to step on your toe, but obviously I did.
What??? I look better than those two.
@ Anonymous March 18, 2009 2:53 PM:
Don't be a putz. Jonna is far from chubby. She's a runner. Her post in keeping with the theme of her blog, which is to discuss how things are for her in China.
@ Jonna:
Your story is great! I actually have a similar experience when I go to the Philippines to visit my wife's family.
It's like I'm a superstar. Girls that are gorgeous give me "talk to me please" smiles, and heads turn as a walk around. I'm not ugly by any means, but you'd think I was Brad Pitt walking down the street, instead of Brad F.
Also, the same holds true in the Philippines for what you said about fat western guys. They seem to be able to attract women whenever they want as well.
Haha...fascination with "exotic" people isn't just a Western thing...
When in China last year two of my friends got a LOT of attention! My male friend is a tall good looking chap and was harrased by men and women all day long. He was even handed a very small baby at one point to have his picture taken with the entire family. My female friend is pretty with brown hair, but we couldn't really work out why everyone wanted her photo. We weren't sure whether they thought she was someone famous or not? It was a funny experience though.
Very interesting! What makes it more interesting is that looks doesn't matter for asian girls in the west. What a coincident, or is it? As a Chinese guy I can tell you that in the west a lot of "hot" asian women, even celebrities, are not attractive or even down right ugly in Chinese men's eyes. My white friends used to point out "hot" asian women to me that I just couldn't agree at all. In fact, with all due respect, truly attractive asian women is a rare breed in the west. Man! Am I glad I come back home.
I guess Chinese girls can't tell the looks of the western men just as well as western guys are so confused when it comes to asian women's looks.
Just a wishful thinking on my part: why not the opposite?
I'd probably cry and send love notes if I met the blonde one... gosh he is good-looking... but don't tell my boyfriend! ;)
also: is it not possible that when super-materialistic asian people look at a western man, they think of money and status, or for the asian ladies--someone who could potentially improve their financial/social position, and when they look at a western woman, they just see someone whose feet are bigger than theirs? It's the whole thing with the Supermasculine and the Ultra-feminine. In the US the supermasculine is represented by the black man, who is oftentimes bigger, more athletic and more aggressive than his white (and certainly his asian) counterpart. The Ultrafeminine used to be represented by the white woman, who was in many respects more submissive than the black woman, but now she's been replaced by the asian woman, who is perceived as being even more submissive, while actually being smaller and thinner.
I didn't make this up, haha! Eldridge Cleaver outlines this theory in his book Soul On Ice, to explain the then-novel phenomenon of black men and white women being drawn together despite all the social taboos.
I too live in China. I find that Chinese girls are crazy about foreigners and with good reasons. You may not believe this but an average or below average western man is far more romantic and sexy than the best of the lot here. To most Chinese and perhaps Asian men woman means a pretty face and an ass and it is but a 5 min job. Western men tend to call women sweetie, cutie and treat her far better than the men here may do. You may take all this for granted but Chinese gals find it attractive.
Hm, that is so weird. I mean if Jonna is considered chubby or fat by chinese standards, then these people haven't seen the average body shape of a 25-30+ scandinavian woman....From what I can see from your pictures, I'd say you have a very nice and appealing body shape/structure: athletic, healthy and fit. But then I always prefer girls with some meat on the bones, however not too much of excess fat. So don't worry, there are plenty of guys who will find you attractive, regardless of their country of origin.
Back to the topic, I'd bet that those Finnish friends of yours got a lot of attentions from average or less-than-average looking girls in China, presumably from rural provinces where young foreigners are still considered a rarity.
OK, anonymous 2, if you simply must act like a jackass, how about taking it somewhere else? In case you hadn't noticed, we don't do that here.
I've experienced the same thing as a Swede in China. At first I didn't know how to interpret it since I'm not used to it at home. But I can also compare the different interest from Chinese girls and Swedish girls on different dating sites and the tendency is the same.
The fact that I'm more attracted to Chinese girls than Western girls is not negative at all... :-)
Nice blog, btw. Perfekt för oss Kinaintresserade!
Some of the comments are started to head to a dangerous direction. Please don't attack Chinese women by claiming they are all material. And no, Chinese guys don't suck. This generalization and the uncalled of sense of superiority is totally unnecessary and somewhat disturbing.
This is not to our lovely Jonna but some comment makers: don't get cocky. The truce is the silly girls are mostly innocent country girls working in big cities who may never have met a living laowai in their life. Let's see, waitresses and shop assistants, the lowest paying jobs usually filled up by people who have received little education or even migrant workers. Please excuse them if they haven't had a lot of laowai encounters and are acting all excited. In a country of 1.3 billion population, you have attracted a curious crowd, big success! Why don't you count how many more are unimpressed? Remember, you are exotic to them, try to appreciate their genuine interest to you.
As for the material kinds, the easily exploited money-chasers are just lazy and stupid young girls exist in any countries. But watch out for the smart ones, they'll abandon you in a blink of the eye if they've got what they want(check out Keith Rupert Murdoch's wife). We welcome you to take away both kinds. So the Chinese guys can have all the good girls.
Wow, I guess I should stop wearing plaids. All the china-girls said I looked old, and I'm a handsome 23!
Chinese girls are very slim. They have narrow bone structure, very slim torso.. that includes small breasts too though (there is a flip side to everything...). So the western women are seen as fat coz the standards for slimness are different here than in the west.
The same is not true of the chinese man though - he is not an attractive creature - physically or socially. So chinese girls find western men more attractive and on an average chinese girls are more attractive than most races in the world - subjective but i think so.
When my boyfriend's mom, who was born in Macau and lived in Hong Kong most of her life, took me shopping in Hong Kong, they shop girls would ignore me and help my boyfriend's mom because they said things wouldn't fit me. Granted, I'm about 6 inches taller than her, but we wear the same size shirts and I was looking at sweaters. It must be an immediate reaction to laowai girls.
However, when I was in Suzhou last year for work, I was walking around one of the lakes with two male co-workers, both Asian, and a young local man asked a girl selling flowers to bring me a rose because I was a "pretty laowai". That one shocked me!!
Very disturbing how this issue can be taken so lightly as the implications are the core of modern racism.
As long as you are a laowai male, you will always get extra, most of the time, wanted attention in China. It makes some laowai males act a certain way when they are in China. I've experienced it firsthand when I visit China. While in China, they expect to get the same type of "wanted" attention when talking to any Chinese girl. Puh-lease...they would never talk/look like that to me if they were back home and no one would give them a 2nd look. These local girls who are over-reacting in their presence is perpetuating this cycle!
I'm sure you know already but the Chinese have a skewed version of one's weight. You are so fit and have an awesome figure! I get the same flack too (often from my own mother!) because I don't have the typical Chinese girl straight up and down stick figure. :/
Do they happen to be really tall?
I hope they enjoyed it! I think it's a case of 崇洋媚外 though!
Hm.. I guess I should have seen this coming. When I wrote this post my intention was NOT to start a discussion about why Chinese women want to date western men... I wanted to focus on the difference between how laowais males and females are looked at in China, but I guess the dating bit was impossible to avoid... still I was hoping some western ladies living in China (or Asia) would write about their experiences here (and some did, great!!) but I can see the discussion going in another direction now. Very interesting to read everyone's opinions, but obviously this is a very loaded topic. Maybe I should have just left it.
Oh, dont u worry about it girl, ur not Fat nor chubby, for goodness sake, if someone says ur fat, that means I am obese when I am only a size 6 (Uk), what is it with these people..as long as ur healthy and confident that's all that matters.
FYI-konichiwa-bitches- I am Asian, and married to a British guy-but may I remind you, I got more money than my husband before we met, (and still are) so don't say all Asians are materialistic...(lols)
If I saw you walking around I would write you a love note Jonna <3
Write whatever you want I always find it fascinating to read ... just never comment haha
Oh my goodness Jonna, you have opened a can of worms! It's an issue I've been thinking about lately too. Why are the Western men and Chinese men so attracted to one another? Why aren't Chinese men attracted to Western women? I don't understand how laowai men who struggle big time with women at home come to China and are all of a sudden so attractive and that women come here and find it so hard to find any men who are interested in them.
I just split up with a Western guy, who was quite adament that he was not attracted to Asian women at all, only to find he has now started seeing an Asian woman!
Thank goodness most of us western women are in China for adventures and not relationships, like a lot of Western men are!
Where are the 'normal' Western men who don't turn egotistical when in China?
anonymous -YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL, pls press caps lock and write with small letters for future commenting.
Dear Jonna,
Since you are really hot, I will forgive what you just said. Feel free to abuse me, verbally or otherwise, whenever you feel like it.
BTW great job on your Chinese. You write very good Chinese for a hot Swedish chick.
My name is Brad, not Brat... at least don't be childish.
I don't think two people who can't communicate could have a real relationship, no, but I don't think you have to be able to talk to someone to think they're attractive. I'm not really sure where you're trying to go with that. I was simply pointing out that you can't generalize. Not all women from "3rd world" nations are after westerners for a fat paycheck, or increased social standing, or a ticket to the "good life."
I thought this post was just to point out a curious fact, not to start slinging mud and calling all third world women opportunistic whores, which is how I understood your comment. I wanted to point out that you're wrong, and my wife is an example of that.
"two very nice countries (PR in one, citizenship in another)"
So, you're from a "third world" nation and you're a PR in Singapore? Good for you. A few days ago, I had a conversation with my wife about people who move to Singapore and then mentally set themselves above their peers from home. You've adopted the local way of thinking. Great.
The way you talk about people is arrogant and demeaning. The way you generalize about women from certain countries is ignorant and shameful, since you're apparently from one of them. Have some pride.
I don't even know where to go with this ... When you leave a comment, leave one that's helpful and informative, not one that's slanderous, vague, generalized, and useless except to incite other commenters.
As for your questions about the US, what does any of that have to do with this post? Shove it where the sun don't shine. At least in the US people aren't deported because they say the government sucks.
And why am I in Singapore? Because my wife works here, and I love my wife. Thank you, have a nice day.
CD - it is always funny to me how some people like to take one experience--usually their own-- and use it to disprove a generality?
i would also like to know how your having more money than your husband (an exception in any country) before you met him makes you not-materialistic? People unconcerned with the accumulation of wealth usually don't accumulate it.
Wow. This Anonymous guy is the perfect example of why comment moderation exists...
Anonymous -For starters, I don't really do the whole verbal abuse thing. Secondly, this blog is not a platform for those sort of discussions. Keep that in mind next time you make a comment. It's totally OK to be critical and negative -but no need to take it to a low, childish level.
Jonna, may I suggest you use the comment moderation application to sift out comments like the ones from "anonymous" with his vicious generalizations, ludicrously decontextualized rants, indiscriminate temper tantrums and generally sloppy thinking? I guess it's funny, really -- I haven't seen anyone indulge in such in-your-face bad-boy antics since I was in high school -- but it's also kind of depressing. So much so, in fact, that if this kind of thing continues I'll stop visiting your blog. And that would be a real loss for me, because your blog rocks and I love visiting it.
Just a suggestion. Of course I respect your right to handle this unfortunate situation as you think fit.
For one: its very odd to see how the commenters on this post have digressed.
But on the post: Thats hilarious! I would never have guessed that western men were treated that way...but then, I don't know anything about that culture. :P Thank you for writing this blog, I have loved reading it, very interesting posts :)
Konichiwa Biatch... English may not be my first language, but I will not stoop down to your level...cos I know I am prettier and sexier than you:-) (and I reckon my bank balance is probably a lot better than yours) ...Oh by the way-when My husband and I got married my parents paid for my wedding...and my husband was SKINT when I married him...
Brad F probably knows that we filipinas when we love a man, we stick to them for better or worse...
Jonna, its not ur fault where this post lead, just wanna clarify how other's think they're superior to others...racism has always been an issue in this society, because of some insecure and less educated people.
and I am not embarrased for a fact that I am ASIAN- I love my colour, atleast I dont need to pay for sunbeds. (ohhh people- grow up!!!) wrinkles are getting more visible now...:-) LOLness.
xxooxx Konichiwa-Bitch.
I cleaned up for a bit... pls, let's not have 'caps lock' discussion and be abusive again. Like I've said many times -this is not the place for those sort of discussions. Obviously it will be a while before I ever write about this topic again. I didn't realize it was so loaded.
You're right. My wife is very loyal. From what I've heard from her and other Filipinos is that women from the Philippines have a tendency to stick it out and try to work out problems, rather than dropping one relationship for the next best thing. Even to the point of fault sometimes. I've personally seen quite a few abusive relationships where the Filipina refused to leave, because she thought she could somehow make it work.
So, what do I take from that? Personal security. If I'm good to my wife, she'll stick by me.
By the way, you sound a lot like her. She says the same thing... "I'm proud of my color!" I like her color too. One of the most shocking things I've seen in the Philippines is huge racks of "whitening" soaps and products. Why try to be white? The skin color is part of what makes Filipinas exotic and attractive!
Some of these fat, old westerner guys are really disgusting. Strutting around like they are the kings of the world, but on the other hand a lot of western women are not used to this reverse in terms of attention. In Europe a girl (even an average(or less than average) looking one) gets approached by several men during one night of clubbing. I think its only fair that there are places in the world where its the other way round, but there seem to be some women who grudge men this kind of situation. I think its really a nice experience and good for ones selfesteem, even if youre not hunting for skirts.
@Mats: I agree with you. About the fat westerners strutting around being disgusting. My wife is actually a few years older than me, but seeing those guys in the Philippines, old fat and nasty looking, with attractive young girls following them around like puppies, actually embarrasses me.
As for the whole thing being a self esteem booster, I guess it is. It does get you in trouble though. A girl tried to hit on me while my wife was standing right next to me one day. She got chewed out. ^_^
cd- if this conversation is even still going on-- stoop to what level? In my second post I only asked questions.
I don't know how you're not "stooping" by going on about the most shallow and material things (and actually not at all disproving the generality that Asians are materialistic, rather the opposite--I also want to say that this is not how I believe, but that it is a widespread stereotype which you're not helping to dispell). You're better looking, sexier and richer? Did that actually have anything to do with the conversation? Can you hear yourself?
Konichiwa-I am LOL reading ur comments- I am only trying to wind you up! sure ur prettier than me...peace girl!!!Shigotto ganbatte kudasai! Aishiteru.
Haha,good point!That's why Erik always like to go to China since all the chinese girl call him"帅哥", which will never happen in Sweden.:P
As Erik's chinese wife, I have the different treatment when we go out together in China. Some people(girls) pretend to ask me:"Are you his translator?" Come on, obviously we are a couple! I have two Swedish master degree,and I am not a translator!!!
Lan Yang, that's pretty funny! Maybe they're just holding on to the desperate hope that you are in fact a translator? When I'm in the Philippines with my wife it's a different experience. Have you ever seen a person's face flash back and forth between adoration and hate? I can always tell when they're looking at me and my wife.
The sense of false superiority demonstrated by some of the posters is astonishing. Remember, there are nearly 1.4 billion people in China, so obviously there are lot of people (namely girls) who have never seen foreigners in their life, and it is only natural that westerners will receive more attention. I don't deny that some women in China blindly believe in the illusion of all western men being gentle, caring and romantic white prince charming. However, saying that some western trashes are better than the best of Chinese men is ignorant at best and ridiculous at worst.
Secondly, westerners and Chinese share a very different perception of beauty. The females that are considered "hot" or "exotic" by western standard are usually very ugly by the Chinese standard.
I am not saying all westerners have superiority complex but some of the posters need to stop flattering yourselves.
FIRST it is easy to understand why this post turned in the direction of western men with chinese girls becuause there are so many western people (men and women) who assume that every western man (who does not meet the western woman defintion of attractive) is in asian looking for sex and/or love from the stupid materialistic asian girls (see numerous posts here that confirm this assumption).
When I first was asked to come to China by my company knowledge of China was like a blank page and my knowledge of Asia consisted of a 1 week business trip to Japan. And I knew nothing of the "fact" that I would be hotter in China than in USA (as it turns out I am not any hotter except that culture here more values an older man for his stablity and wisdom so it is not as unusal to see a May-December relationship).
The people who seem to like this topic are obsessed with appearance as they make statements like kanmuri "the men are alwats admired here, even if they look like they could NEVER even get laid back home". Enough said.
SECOND to the original reason of your blog post:
1. Chinese women are usually smaller frame and build than western women. So the western women are seen and looked upon as bigger and stronger (by the way in my experience stronger means fatter ... when I am told I am stronger I know it means I am fatter).
2. Chinese men, while sometimes smaller frame and build, are not as smaller than western men as the women are to western women especially in northern china
3. Chinese men, middle age, can tend to have belly as big as the "fat" western men you see in China.
4. Chinese culture (changing now as income level rises) valued the big belly man because it meant he had enough food to eat which meant he can provide for his family.
When you take 2-4 together then it is easy to see that a chinese people do not see as much difference between chinese man and western man body as compared to western woman/chinese woman.
It does not mean you are fat when they say this .. it is a relative comparision. Also some Chinese women wish they had the more curvy body of a western woman.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .. but if somebody does not think you are beautiful it is their problem. So if problem want to think I am a fat western man only in China for the attention then that is their right .... just as it is my right to think that if you took the time to get to know the "fat" man you might find there are other reasons his chinese gf or wife loves him.
lol, this is FUNNY.
I will say it again.
1. In ShangHi, it is REALLY BAD. ShangHi people are totally brain washed by western media that they believe they are inferior than Whites. ShangHi was a semi-coloney for almsot 80 years. Both ShangHi men and women fancy White people. BUT ShangHi men lack the balls to do it, since western media are so Harsh on them. While SHanHi girls are motiviated to date White guys. They want Blonde hair blue eyes WHite guys. BUT Get real, little or NO Blonde men want Chinese women. Most Blonde guys want Hispanic girls, Arab girls and White girls, even black girls. Asian girlsa are at their bottom list. This is why ShangHi girls are willing to date Fat, bold hair, old, or even ugly White guys, cause they believe that mixed baby are better looking.
2. Most ShangiHi girls are Southern Chinese girls, whom are usually much uglier than South Western(Sichuan, ChongChing) and North Eastern(LiaoNin, HeiLongJiang, JiLin) poeple. This is why they are so desperate to date White guys, cause they think this way their offspring will be better looking. lol. But the SAD reality is that when you mix ugly girls with ugly guys, you get ugly babies, and it is a fact. Here in USA I have seen plenty of butt ugly EuroAsians. I have also know many GOOD looking EuroAsians but they are all products of WHite women Asian men. For example Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee is a very good looking guy.
3. This only happens in ShangHi, in other parts of China, like my hometown Sichuan, it wikll never happen. Most Sichuan girls like Chinese guys the BEST. In North East China, Chinese girls are VERY VERY Beautiful, tall, and stylish. THey too mostly perfer Chinese men OVER White men. Unless he is a GOOD looking White guys.
Jonna, you seriously need to live in other parts of China like North East(Dialian is a GREAT city), then post. Chinese from different part of the Middle Kindom are SO SO different. Just like Europeans. Europeans from Italy and Sweden are so so different. You know this. So please DO NOT generealize us. You dont know ENOUGH about us. Also, you are a cute WHite girl, sorry that you are not getting the attention you need, lol. Come to North Eastern China, here men are TALL, and Manly, well suited for you.
Thank you.
Jiang, best regards.
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