All people have different reasons for coming to China. Some want to make money. Some want to learn the language. And some want to get married to a Chinese girl. At least if you believe one of my new ‘class mates’, a Korean boy named Zhe Zhan. When he was asked to introduce himself for the rest of our class and explain why he was learning Chinese he said:
-I’m learning Chinese so that I can find myself a woman.
-A Chinese woman? The teacher asked.
Any woman. If she’s not Chinese then maybe my language skills will impress her.
Yup. We all have our reasons.
(Note: Zhe Zhan has studied Chinese for 1.5 years. He claims the reason he hasn’t got lucky yet is because his Chinese is not good enough).
Det ligger helt klart i kinesiska. Utan tvekan! *haha*
Free Tibet you slant eyed bastards!
LOL good luck with your language study buddy.
To the other anonymous person: You need help. Oh yea. And a history lesson. I'm so tired of you trolls.
That's very funny and sweet : ) "He claims the reason he hasn’t got lucky yet is because his Chinese is not good enough"! Cute and funny : )
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