Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm back!!

Thing to love about China: you never know who (or what) u r going to bump into on the streets...

You know you are back in China when....

- You are waiting for your luggage and the man behind you starts trimming his nose hair.

- The black car you ordered to take u from Shanghai to Suzhou suddenly costs 400 and not 350 kuai. (A price change that started pretty much today I assume?)

- You take a shower and still feel dirty.

- You catch yourself frowning and thinking; 'what's that smell?!'

- Internet is slower than a snail.

- There's fireworks outside your window.

- A thunderstorm starts (without the slightest warning and from an almost clear sky) in the middle of the day.

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! It's SO GOOD TO BE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I can never leave again.


Anonymous said...

Hi. I'll be arriving at Pudong airport on Monday and was wondering if you have any tips on getting through customs and all the formalities quicker....

Jonna Wibelius said...

hey I was at the pudong airport today and the formalities were actually much quicker than normally! Í only had to fill in one paper (the usual arrival card -no health check paper stuff anymore) so the visa check went very smoothly... Then u have to put all of ur luggage through an xray before you get out but even this is impressively quick.

Anonymous said...

Hi awesome blog out there. Can we exchange links ?

Anonymous said...

Hope you brought back some nice gift from Sweden for the chinese; like those beautiful green grass, blue sky, clean water and breathable air.

Anonymous said...

It's very interesting. You first listed all the problems of China and then you concluded that it's so good to be back. I see that you really like China. Why? Do you see future living and working in China? I am just curious. I was in China this summer.

Jonna Wibelius said...

anonymouse2 -yeah, I will def miss the Swedish nature and clean air -but it's not like I can never go back there.. and when the dark, loooong (never-ending?! or at least it feels so) winter comes to Sweden it actually feels good not to be there.

anonymouse 3 -yeah, I like China! I don't have any specific reason for why, it just feels good to be here and every day is a little adventure, which I really like (especially since living here is completely different to where I come from!). All those annoying things I listed also have some charm to them, strangely enough (except for the nose hair trimming in public)!

Since u were in China this summer -what did you think? Where did u go?