Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

In Sweden, we celebrate Christmas on December 24. If I don't remember things wrongly so is the case in Germany, France and a lot of other European countries (although not in the UK). During my first Christmas in Shanghai I was working at a magazine and since Christmas isn't celebrated widely in China, we were told to work on the 25th of December, which was a Monday. Since the 24th was a Sunday it suited me fine, until my work mates and bosses (who were from the UK and from the US) came up with the brilliant idea that we would work on the 24th, and take the 25th off.

Loud protests and Swedish cursing didn't help. I ended up having to work on the 24th and have the 25th off. Not my best Christmas in life. 

Being home this year is a true bliss. We have been cooking all morning, and soon my sisters will make their way out here and the Christmas frenzy of eating, drinking and unpacking presents will begin. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas (although I bet most of you don't celebrate until tomorrow and some of you don't celebrate at all). Have a great day and don't eat too much. I know I will! 


Rambler said...

Merry Christmas Jonna. We don't have a tree in my apartment, so we're using some potted plants as substitutes. Gonna exchange presents tomorrow morning and evening. Even here I love Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jonna from London. See you in 2009!

Plumflower said...


Anonymous said...

merry christmas,if you have time ,you can read this ,,it is some joke,ha ha .

Mark's Blog said...

Merry Christmas!

Have a nice holiday home!