Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess the crowd

When I was walking back from Yang Yang restaurant (located on Suzhou's infamous bar street 'Shiquan Jie') the other day, I was met by and interesting, crowded sight. Sure, this is China: big crowds are part of the every day life, but this crowd seemed so hyped, it made me think something really exciting was going on?!

Bored with the afternoon, I started guessing what could be the occasion:

1. Someone was handing out free samples of rice cookers/chopsticks/bowls

2. A big discount food fair.

3. An early release of train tickets for the upcoming CNY.....?

But of course I was wrong... It was simply the end of an ordinary school day for kids. And mom/dad/ayi/grandpa/grandma were there to pick up their little emperor/princess.

But seriously -what's with the signs? Kids don't recognize their loved ones without them?

1 comment:

Rambler said...

I got my first glimpse of this yesterday. Since the school focuses on American English, there was a Halloween party and all of the students came in costume. Most of the parents stuck around for bit to take pictures, and a couple stayed even longer with video cameras. I always just rode the bus to school, so seeing all these parents come to drop off and pick up their kids is new to me.