Plastic surgery is still big over here. I’ve heard that many women (and men) go to Korea to go under the knife. But you can also do it here in China. Advertisements are in the metro, on TV, in magazines and in taxi cars…
I wonder if all those girls running around with a slim and petite figure, and enormous boobs, really believe that it looks good/natural? Well, I guess it’s a taste thing. But I have to say that when I see it (and it happens, quite often.. girls at the gym, at the hairdresser... or just on the street with no hips and mega boobs) I feel a sting of... sadness. Mixed with amusement. I simply can't help it. I'm damaged from what I saw on TV in the mid-90ies. The bimbo look is just too hard to wash out...
(PS. Doesn’t that boob in the right corner look like those cone boobs that Madonna had in the 80ies?!)

my friend just got a nose job in korea...
i thought the deal was that most asian women get their face changed but western women get their bodies changed.
To me, nature is beauty. Personally, I do not like a slim girl with a D cup caused by surgery.
I guess this product for non-surgery way to enlarge the breast. It seems cheap and not trustable.Yes, it is true that chinese women try hard to get bigger...because they kind of admire western people, especially American girls..... OK. If they eat fast food like them, they will have same thing..... I do not like big boobs especially the thing from UK...B is enough.
Hi, I have been in Sweden for one year and now in Switzerland. I am chinese and nice to find your blog, coincidently. Because one popular chinese forum post your article about old western men with young chinese girl, weird relation. I read that and searched your name.
How are you? Still love china and how long you would like to spend more here??:-)
she -glad u found my blog! Can u pls post me the link to the forum..? My 'hanzi' is slowly getting better, maybe I can read some of the responses in the forum?! I am still loving it here, almost more for every day, and I am not planning to leave for a long time yet! :) What were u doing in Swe and when r u heading back to China?
Hihi, Jonna,
I found this one and post it here for you:)
mitbbs.com is a famous forum for Chinese people most of whom are studying and working in North American:)
That is so good that you enjoying the Shang Hai now:D!
I was studying in KTH for one year, Master Program and now in Swiss doing the thesis work for this program:) I will visit china next month and have to go back to Zurich in august.
shewenhao@gmail.com, if any thing you need like prawn:P
this one with few comments. :)
Nice, I also read that article but not in Mitbbs, it is at the portal of the news, http://www.popyard.org/ (in Chinese) But maybe you can not get it, probably the website is blocked to the mainland.
To she, what a coincidence, I was studying in KTH as well. I know one Chinese girl, Amanda, she was doing her thesis project in Zurich as well. Do you know her?
she -thanks for the link! I was able to access to forum and was very happy to realise that I actually understood quite a lot! (that might be because I wrote the English post but, ehum.. it was still nice to be able to read it!)
Where in China are u from? I'm going back to Scandinavia for the summer (fi and then swe) and I cannot wait! It's been a year since I was last back, and it is always so good to see friends and family. I bet it is the same for u!
It is indeed sad. And not just boobs, Chinese women go under the knife to look more Western in other ways too. Not that I mind big boobs, but just like you say: a small girl with almost no hips and big boobs.. that is NOT beautiful.
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