I witness this in Seoul, Korea, during a cold winter night in January… Meanwhile I was downing cups of Korean tea at a cosy café the guy outside the window spent 2 hours spreading out candles and roses, then lightning the candles before disappearing for a short while and then reappearing with his girlfriend (or soon to be girlfriend?). Very emotional, very…. Over the top! But got to give him credit for his effort, no?

Vad gulligt! Det får du gärna tipsa min pojkvän om. Han har varit snål med sina förlåt efter smågnabb och de överraskande små blommorna ett bra tag nu så... *hihi*
Fast å andra sidan; det skulle kanske inte ha den stora effekten här just nu med tanke på att vi har midnattssol! :-)
How is this strange or weird?
Why is it that when some Asian guy tries to do something like this people it's always a surprise?
But when an American guy does this it's completely normal??
It's NORMAL....just get over it.
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